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  • 發布時間:2015/12/18 14:31:23   修改時間:2015/12/18 14:31:23 瀏覽次數:1804
  • FPF2195 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 600 to 1000 mA 80mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF2495 IntelliMAX? 具有可調限流控制功能的 28V 過壓過流保護負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 100 to 1500 mA
    2.5 5.5 WL-CSP 9L
    FPF3003 用于雙電池便攜系統的 IntelliMAX? 全功能輸入功率路徑管理開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C
    34mΩVin=5.5V 2.3 5.5 WL-CSP 16L
    FAN7093_F085 高電流 PN 半橋驅動器 Protected Smart High Side Switch with Diagnostics Automotive Qualified -40 to 150 °C 39000 to 61000 mA 0.0123Ω, 0.0182Ω 7 18 TO-263 8L (D2PAK)
    FDDS10H04_F085A Smart High-Side Switch Protected Smart High Side Switch with Diagnostics Automotive Qualified -40 to 150 °C 40000 to 120000 mA 0.01Ω 5.5 38 TO-252 5L (DPAK)
    FPF1048 IntelliMAX? 處理3A、控制壓擺率負載開關,帶真正的防電流倒灌功能。 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C
    26mΩVin=3.3V 1.5 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FDBS09H04_F085A Smart High Side Switch Protected Smart High Side Switch with Diagnostics Automotive Qualified -40 to 150 °C 55000 to 125000 mA 0.009Ω 5.5 38 TO-263 8L (D2PAK)
    FDDS100H06_F085 智能高端開關 Protected Smart High Side Switch with Diagnostics Automotive Qualified -40 to 150 °C 7000 to 19000 mA 0.1Ω 5.5 37 TO-252 5L (DPAK)
    FPF2700 AccuPower? 先進負載管理產品 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 2000 mA 0.114ΩVin=12.0V, 0.114ΩVin=5.0V 2.8 36 MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33),  SO 8L NB
    FPF2701 AccuPower? 先進負載管理產品 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 2000 mA 0.114ΩVin=12.0V, 0.114ΩVin=5.0V 2.8 36 MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33),  SO 8L NB
    FPF2702 AccuPower? 先進負載管理產品 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 2000 mA 0.114ΩVin=12.0V, 0.114ΩVin=5.0V 2.8 36 MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33),  SO 8L NB
    FPF2300 雙輸出限流開關 Integrated Load Commercial -40 to 85 °C 1100 to 1500 mA 140mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SO 8L NB,  MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33)
    FPF2302 雙輸出限流開關 Integrated Load Commercial -40 to 85 °C 1100 to 1500 mA 140mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SO 8L NB,  MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33)
    FPF2303 雙輸出限流開關 Integrated Load Commercial -40 to 85 °C 1100 to 1500 mA 140mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SO 8L NB,  MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33)
    FPF2310 雙輸出可調限流開關 Integrated Load Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 550 mA 140mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33)
    FPF2312 雙輸出可調限流開關 Integrated Load Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 550 mA 140mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33)
    FPF2313 雙輸出可調限流開關 Integrated Load Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 550 mA 140mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33)
    FPF2313L 雙輸出可調限流開關 Integrated Load Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 550 mA 140mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 MLP 3x3 8L (Power 33)
    FPF2165R 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 150 to 1500 mA 0.124ΩVin=5.0V, 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF1017 IntelliMAX? 1V額定高級負載管理產品
    Commercial -40 to 85 °C
    45mΩVin=5.5V -0.3 2 UMLP 2x2 6L
    FPF2024 具有100mA限流值的全功能負載開關 Full Functional Load Switch With 100mA Current Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 100 to 200 mA 0.325ΩVin=5.0V, 315mΩVin=5.5V, 360mΩVin=3.3V -0.3 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF2025 具有100mA限流值的全功能負載開關 Full Functional Load Switch With 100mA Current Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 100 to 200 mA 315mΩVin=5.5V, 325mΩVin=3.3V 1.6 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF2026 具有100mA限流值的全功能負載開關 Full Functional Load Switch With 100mA Current Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 100 to 200 mA 0.325ΩVin=5.0V, 315mΩVin=5.5V, 360mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF2027 具有100mA限流值的全功能負載開關 Full Functional Load Switch With 100mA Current Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 100 to 200 mA 0.325ΩVin=5.0V, 315mΩVin=5.5V, 360mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF2200 具有500mA高精度限流的集成式負載開關 Integrated Load Switch with High Precision Current Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 504 to 557 mA 185mΩVin=5.5V, 210mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2201 具有500mA高精度限流的集成式負載開關 Integrated Load Switch with High Precision Current Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 504 to 557 mA 185mΩVin=5.5V, 210mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2202 具有500mA高精度限流的集成式負載開關 Integrated Load Switch with High Precision Current Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 504 to 557 mA 185mΩVin=5.5V, 210mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2213 具有可調式精密限流的集成式負載開關 Integrated Load Switch with Adjustable High Precision Curent Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 250 to 276 mA 325mΩVin=5.5V, 360mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2214 具有可調式精密限流的集成式負載開關 Integrated Load Switch with Adjustable High Precision Curent Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 250 to 276 mA 325mΩVin=5.5V, 360mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2223 具有可調式精密限流的集成式負載開關 Integrated Load Switch with Adjustable High Precision Curent Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 627 to 693 mA 165mΩVin=5.5V, 210mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2224 具有可調式精密限流的集成式負載開關 Integrated Load Switch with Adjustable High Precision Curent Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 627 to 693 mA 165mΩVin=5.5V, 210mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2225 具有可調式精密限流的集成式負載開關 Integrated Load Switch with Adjustable High Precision Current Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 627 to 693 mA 185mΩVin=5.5V, 210mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2215 具有可調式精密限流的集成式負載開關 Integrated Load Switch with Adjustable High Precision Curent Limit Commercial -40 to 85 °C 250 to 276 mA 325mΩVin=5.5V, 360mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF1009 IntelliMAX? 高級負載產品
    Commercial -40 to 85 °C
    0.03ΩVin=5.0V, 40mΩVin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L
    FPF2193 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 600 to 1000 mA 80mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF2194 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C
    80mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF2142 提供反向電流阻隔的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Reverse Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2143 提供反向電流阻隔的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Reverse Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2146 提供反向電流阻隔的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Reverse Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 800 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2147 提供反向電流阻隔的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Reverse Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 800 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2163 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 600 to 1000 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2164 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 600 to 1000 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF2165 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 600 to 1000 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L (MicroFET)
    FPF1006 IntelliMAX? 先進負載管理產品 Output Discharge Function Commercial -40 to 85 °C
    70mΩVin=5.5V, 80mΩVin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L
    FPF2174 IntelliMAX? 先進負載管理產品 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA
    1.8 5.5 MLP 3x3 6L
    FPF2172 IntelliMAX? 先進負載管理產品 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Reverse Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA
    1.8 5.5 MLP 3x3 6L
    FPF1005 IntelliMAX? 先進負載管理產品 Integrated Load Switch Commercial -40 to 85 °C
    70mΩVin=5.5V, 80mΩVin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L
    FPF2116 IntelliMAX? 先進負載管理產品 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Reverse Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2123 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 600 to 1000 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2124 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 600 to 1000 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2125 帶可調節限流的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Adjustable Reverse Current Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 600 to 1000 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2108 IntelliMAX ? 先進負載管理產品 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Reverse Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 800 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2100 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2101 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2102 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2103 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2105 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 800 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2106 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 800 mA 160mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2107 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 400 to 800 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2109 提供反向電流阻隔的全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection & Reverse Blocking Commercial -40 to 85 °C 200 to 400 mA 160mΩVin=5.5V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2000 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 50 to 100 mA 80mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SC70 5L
    FPF2002 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 50 to 100 mA 80mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SC70 5L
    FPF2003 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 50 to 100 mA 1mΩVin=5.5V -0.3 5.5 SC70 5L
    FPF2004 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 100 to 200 mA 80mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SC70 5L
    FPF2005 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 100 to 200 mA 80mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SC70 5L
    FPF2006 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 100 to 200 mA 80mΩVin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SC70 5L
    FPF2007 全功能負載開關 Integrated Load Switch W/Protection Commercial -40 to 85 °C 100 to 200 mA 1mΩVin=5.5V -0.3 5.5 SC70 5L
    壓擺率受控負載開關 (31)
    部件編號 說明 功能 ILIM(最小值) (mA) ILIM(最大值) (mA) RON VIN(最小值) (V) VIN(最大值) (V) 封裝
    FPF2411 IntelliMAX? 帶壓擺率控制和 RCB 功能的額定 6 V/6 A 雙向開關 帶保護和反相閉鎖的集成式負載開關

    2.3 5.5 WL-CSP 12L
    FPF1504 先進負載管理開關 先進負載管理開關

    15mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1 3.6 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1203L IntelliMAX? Ultra-Small, Slew-Rate-Controlled Load Switch 設備ON

    0.045Ω@Vin=5.5V, 55mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF3040 IntelliMAX? 20 V 額定電壓雙輸入單輸出電源選擇器開關 帶保護集成式負載開關

    4 10.5 WL-CSP 16L
    FPF12045 IntelliMAX? 超小型壓擺率控制負荷開關 低導通電阻、壓擺率控制負載開關

    0.045Ω@Vin=5.5V, 55mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1204 IntelliMAX? 超小型壓擺率控制負荷開關 設備ON

    0.045Ω@Vin=5.5V, 55mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1039 低導通電阻、壓擺率控制負載開關 低導通電阻、壓擺率控制負載開關

    0.02Ω@Vin=5.5V, 24mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF1320 具有精確反向電流阻隔功能的IntelliMAX? 雙輸入單輸出高級功率開關 設備ON
    0.005 50mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.5 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF1321 具有精確反向電流阻隔功能的IntelliMAX? 雙輸入單輸出高級功率開關 設備ON 65 Ω芯片負載電阻
    0.005 50mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.5 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF1203 IntelliMAX? 超小型壓擺率控制負荷開關 設備ON

    0.045Ω@Vin=5.5V, 55mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1205 IntelliMAX? 高級負載管理器件 設備ON

    75mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 4 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1206 IntelliMAX? 高級負載管理器件 設備ON

    75mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 4 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1207 IntelliMAX? 高級負載管理器件 設備ON

    50mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 4 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1208 IntelliMAX? 高級負載管理器件 設備ON

    50mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 4 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1038 低導通電阻、壓擺率控制負載開關 低導通電阻、壓擺率控制負載開關

    0.02Ω@Vin=5.5V, 24mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF1103 高級負載管理開關 先進負載管理開關

    35mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 4 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1108 高級負載管理開關 先進負載管理開關

    35mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 4 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1104 高級負載管理開關 先進負載管理開關

    35mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 4 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1107 高級負載管理開關 先進負載管理開關

    35mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 4 WL-CSP 4L
    FPF1013 IntelliMAX? 1V額定高級負載管理產品 輸出放電功能

    27mΩ@Vin=3.3V 0.8 1.8 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF1014 IntelliMAX? 1V額定高級負載管理產品 輸出放電功能

    27mΩ@Vin=3.3V 0.8 1.8 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF1015 IntelliMAX? 1V額定高級負載管理產品 輸出放電功能

    34mΩ@Vin=3.3V 0.8 1.8 UMLP 2x2 6L
    FPF1016 IntelliMAX? 1V額定高級負載管理產品 輸出放電功能

    34mΩ@Vin=3.3V 0.8 1.8 UMLP 2x2 6L
    FPF1018 IntelliMAX? 1V額定高級負載管理產品 輸出放電功能

    34mΩ@Vin=3.3V 0.8 1.8 UMLP 2x2 6L
    FPF1003A IntelliMAX? 先進負載管理產品 集成式負載開關

    1.2 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF1008 IntelliMAX? 高級負載產品 輸出放電功能

    0.03Ω@Vin=5.5V, 40mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L
    FPF1007 IntelliMAX? 高級負載產品 輸出放電功能

    0.03Ω@Vin=5.5V, 40mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 MLP 2x2 6L
    FPF1004 IntelliMAX? 先進負載管理產品 輸出放電功能

    0.03Ω@Vin=5.5V, 35mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.2 5.5 WL-CSP 6L
    FPF2110 提供反向電流阻隔的全功能負載開關 帶保護和反相閉鎖的集成式負載開關 200 400 125mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2104 全功能負載開關 帶保護集成式負載開關 200 400 125mΩ@Vin=3.3V 1.8 5.5 SOT-23 5L
    FPF2001 全功能負載開關 帶保護集成式負載開關 50 100 700m
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提供全方位的電子產品技術信息解決方案 嵌入式微處理器系統 16/32位系列 個人數字助理PDA,StrongARM 處理器及開發工具 廉價的單片機PIC12系列 DSP信號處理器系統等嵌入式控制器 濾波器 模數轉換器 D/A A/D轉換器 高性能運放 非易失存儲器 射頻和微波電路 C…  更多>>
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  • 李小東 在2023/8/23 0:15:00留言
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  • 詳細留言:ATMEGA32 TWI硬件從機使用。
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  • 詳細留言:ATMEAG32 硬件11C主從通信
  • 于方元 在2021/7/8 19:21:00留言
  • 留言類型:得到貴公司產品詳細資料,得到貴公司產品的價格信息,貴公司產品銷售人員聯系我,貴公司技術支持人員聯系我,
  • 詳細留言:全以太網工控系統開發。
  • 明小姐 在2015/3/26 16:06:00留言
  • 留言類型:得到貴公司產品詳細資料,
  • 詳細留言:看了您公司,還看了HYDAC溫度傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/wdcgq/ 賀德克溫度傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/wdcgq/ HYDAC流量傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/llcgq/ 賀德克流量傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/llcgq/ HYDAC液位傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/yeweichuanganqi/ 賀德克液位傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/yeweichuanganqi/ HYDAC位移傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/ycgq/ 賀德克位移傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/ycgq/ HYDAC旋轉傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/xzcgq/ 賀德克旋轉傳感器:http://www.hydac-zh.com/xzcgq/
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