The AT91SAM7S16 is a low pincount Flash microcontroller based on the 32-bit ARM7TDMI RISC processor. It features 16K bytes of embedded high-speed Flash with sector lock capabilities and a security bit, and 4K bytes of SRAM. The integrated proprietary SAM-BA Boot Assistant enables in-system programming of the embedded Flash. Its extensive peripheral set includes USART, SPI, SSC, TWI and an 8-channel 10-bit ADC. Its Peripheral DMA Controller channels eliminate processor bottlenecks during peripheral-to-memory transfers. Its System Controller manages interrupts, clocks, power, time, debug and reset, significantly reducing the external chip count and minimizing power consumption. In industrial temperature, worse case conditions the maximum clock frequency is 55MHz. Typical core supply is 1.8V, I/Os are supplied at 1.8V or 3.3V and are 5V tolerant. An integrated Voltage Regulator permits single supply at 3.3V. The AT91SAM7S16 is supplied in a 48-lead LQFP or QFN Green package. It is supported by an Evaluation Board and extensive application development tools. The AT91SAM7S16 is a general-purpose microcontroller, providing an ideal migration path for 8-bit applications requiring additional performance and extended memory.