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光纖激光切割機-全自動激光切管機- 開卷校平切割下料卷料激光切割機生產線_武漢華宇誠數控科技有限公司
  • 小型圓管相貫線切割機-便攜式數控相貫線切割機廠家-價格報價多少錢  
  • 發布時間:2020/5/29 15:38:14   修改時間:2020/5/29 15:38:14 瀏覽次數:864
  •  小型圓管相貫線切割機-便攜式相貫線數控切割機-小型便攜式數控相貫線切割機-鋼管相貫線切割機廠家-小型管道相貫線切割機-便攜式相貫線切割機價格-咨詢熱線:I89 8629 OO37


    產品介紹 Product introduction

    • 10余年廠家直銷小型相貫線切割機價格優惠 全國免費服務
      10 years manufacturers direct small intersecting line cutting machine price preferential national free service

      ----YC-XG1530/YC-XG1560便攜式鋼管切割機 管徑250mm以內的小型鋼管切割優選解決方案

    • -- YC-XG1530/YC-XG1560 portable steel tube cutting machine with a diameter of less than 250mm



    • 1. Technical parameters of YC-XG1530/YC-XG1560portable intersecting line cutting machine

    • 15-1

      相貫線切割技術參數 Technical parameters of intersecting line cutting


    •    pipe diameter range: 30 - Φ Φ 250;

    •    The pipe length is 3 meters, which can be extended to 6 meters; 

    •    Weight of steel tube: ≤500kg;


    •    The rotating shaft of the steel tube is driven by servo, with good stability;

    •    Standard configuration: flame, optional for both flame and plasma.

    •    can be seleced with steel pipe and plate dual cutting.

    •    7、軸向轉動卡盤箱采用1KW伺服驅動,穩定性好,精度高。

    •    the axial rotation chuck box using 1KW servo drive, good stability, high precision.

    •    8、武漢華宇誠數控自主開發的相貫線編程軟件,提供多種管子相貫節點的參數化編程,從而能很好解決其它廠家2聯動相貫線設備無法解決的管子壁厚干涉問題。

    •    The intersecting line programming software independently developed by hua yu cheng provides parametric programming of various pipe intersecting nodes, which can well solve the interference problem of pipe wall thickness that cannot be solved by other manufacturers' 2 interconnected intersecting line equipment.

    •    9、便攜式相貫線切割機數控系統,操作簡單,免費升級。

    •    independent research and development of the numerical control system, simple operation, free upgrade.


    二、專用數控相貫線編程軟件功能: Ii. Special numerical control intersecting line programming software functions:


       wu han hua yu chengco., ltd. has developed a parametric programming software for the intersecting line of three axes and two linkage based on the three-axis two-linkage cutting process, which fully considers the influence of the wall thickness of pipe fittings on the intersecting section. The programming algorithm adopted can better solve the data processing problem of the inner and outer walls at the transition point and ensure the normal lapping of the intersecting hole.



    The software covers 7 categories and 21 different types of intersecting node types that are common in engineering, and these nodes can be arbitrarily combined to meet the needs of oil and gas pipelines, simple tube trusses, pressure vessels and other industries. 


        It can cut a number of cylindrical intersecting line holes with different directions and diameters on the main pipe, which can meet the conditions of eccentric and non-eccentric orthogonality and skew between the axis of the branch pipe and the axis of the main pipe.   


        The end of intersecting line can be cut at the end of the branch pipe to meet the condition of eccentric and non-eccentric vertical and oblique intersection between the branch pipe axis and the main axis. 


        It can cut the bevel end face at the end of the pipe.


        It can cut and weld elbows on the round tube and the oblique cutting surfaces at both ends of the "shrimp" section. 


        It can cut the end of the intersecting line of branch pipe that intersects with the ring main pipe.


        It can cut square holes, waist-shaped holes and oval holes in the middle of the round pipe (the square holes and waist-shaped holes can have rounded corners). 


        Capable of cutting the steel pipe.


        Can slot the end of the pipe.


        can make two, three and other pipe joints.



    • u=400947651,1546854219&fm=199&app=68&f=JPEG

    武漢華宇誠數控科技有限公司專業從事數控切割機的研發、銷售和生產10余年,技術實力強,規格品種全的專業生產企業;24小時售前、售中、售后服務熱線:189 8629 0037華總 

    Wuhan huayucheng technology co., ltd. is a professional manufacturer with strong technical strength and complete specifications and varieties, specializing in the development, sales and production of CNC cutting machines for more than 10 years. 24-hour pre-sale, in-sale and after-sales service hotline: 189 8629 0037  Mr. hua

    武漢華宇誠數控科技有限公司服務承諾 : Wuhan huayucheng technology co., LTD. Service commitment:
    售前服務 : Pre-sale service:
    根據用戶設備使用環境、有效切割范圍,切割材料和厚度等參數,為用戶提供經濟實用的數控切割技術解決方案; According to the user equipment use environment, effective cutting range, cutting material and thickness and other parameters, to provide users with economic and practical CNC cutting technical solutions;
    售中服務 : On-sale service:

    After the contract is signed and becomes effective, we will provide the basic installation drawing and cutting table drawing free of charge. Immediately after the arrival of the goods, after-sales personnel will be sent to assist in the installation and commissioning, and 2 to 3 pieces of products will be cut according to the drawings provided by party a. The cutting quality of the products will be used as the basis for the final acceptance of the cutting machine.
    售后服務: After-sales service:

    Maintenance commitment: immediately respond to any trouble, throughout the year regardless of any holiday, within 1 hour response and find a solution to the problem, such as telephone guidance failed to solve, send a technician to the site within 24-48 hours, so that you will not be confused by the after-sales service, use the satisfactory equipment.







    A  鞍山丨安陽丨安慶丨安康丨阿克蘇丨安順丨阿勒泰丨阿壩丨阿里丨阿拉爾丨澳門

    B  北京丨保定丨濱州丨包頭丨寶雞丨本溪丨蚌埠丨北海丨巴彥淖爾丨白城丨白山丨亳州丨巴中丨白銀丨百色丨畢節丨巴音郭楞丨保山丨博爾塔拉

    C  成都丨重慶丨長沙丨長春丨常州丨滄州丨赤峰丨承德丨常德丨長治丨郴州丨滁州丨巢湖丨潮州丨昌吉丨池州丨楚雄丨崇左丨昌都丨朝陽丨常熟丨慈溪

    D  大連丨東莞丨德州丨東營丨大慶丨大同丨丹東丨儋州丨德陽丨達州丨大理丨大興安嶺丨定西丨德宏丨迪慶

    E  鄂爾多斯丨恩施丨鄂州

    F  福州丨佛山丨撫順丨阜陽丨阜新丨撫州丨防城港

    G  廣州丨貴陽丨桂林丨贛州丨廣元丨廣安丨貴港丨固原丨甘南丨甘孜丨果洛

    H  杭州丨惠州丨哈爾濱丨合肥丨呼和浩特丨海口丨邯鄲丨菏澤丨衡水丨淮安丨衡陽丨葫蘆島丨淮南丨漢中丨懷化丨淮北丨黃岡丨湖州丨黃石丨呼倫貝爾丨河源丨鶴壁丨鶴崗丨黃山丨紅河丨河池丨哈密丨黑河 丨賀州丨海西丨和田丨海北丨海東丨黃南

    J  濟南丨濟寧丨吉林丨錦州丨金華丨嘉興丨江門丨荊州丨焦作丨晉中丨佳木斯丨九江丨晉城丨荊門丨雞西丨吉安丨揭陽丨景德鎮丨濟源丨酒泉丨金昌丨嘉峪關丨膠州丨即墨

    K  昆明丨開封丨喀什丨克拉瑪依丨庫爾勒丨克孜勒蘇丨昆山

    L  蘭州丨拉薩丨廊坊丨臨沂丨洛陽丨聊城丨柳州丨連云港丨臨汾丨漯河丨遼陽丨樂山丨瀘州丨六安丨婁底丨萊蕪丨龍巖丨呂梁丨麗水丨涼山丨麗江丨六盤水丨遼源丨來賓丨臨滄丨隴南丨臨夏丨林芝

    M  綿陽丨牡丹江丨茂名丨梅州 馬鞍山 眉山

    N  南京丨寧波丨南寧丨南昌丨南通丨 南陽丨南充丨內江丨南平丨寧德丨怒江丨那曲

    P  平頂山丨濮陽丨盤錦丨莆田丨攀枝花丨萍鄉丨平涼丨普洱丨郫縣

    Q  青島丨瓊海丨秦皇島丨泉州丨齊齊哈爾丨清遠丨曲靖丨衢州丨慶陽丨七臺河丨欽州丨潛江丨黔東南丨黔南丨黔西南

    R  日照丨日喀則

    S  上海丨深圳丨沈陽丨石家莊丨蘇州丨汕頭丨商丘丨三亞丨宿遷丨紹興丨十堰丨四平丨三門峽丨邵陽丨上饒丨遂寧丨三明丨綏化丨石河子丨宿州丨韶關丨松原丨隨州丨汕尾丨雙鴨山丨朔州丨石嘴山丨商洛 丨神農架丨山南丨雙流

    T  天津丨太原丨唐山丨泰安丨臺州丨泰州丨鐵嶺丨通遼丨通化丨天水丨銅陵丨銅川丨銅仁丨天門丨塔城丨吐魯番丨圖木舒克

    W  武漢丨無錫丨烏魯木齊丨威海丨濰坊丨溫州丨蕪湖丨渭南丨烏海丨梧州丨烏蘭察布丨武威丨文山丨吳忠丨五家渠丨五指山

    X  西安丨廈門丨西寧丨徐州丨咸陽丨邢臺丨襄陽丨新鄉丨湘潭丨許昌丨信陽丨孝感丨忻州丨咸寧丨新余丨宣城丨仙桃丨錫林郭勒丨湘西丨興安丨西雙版納丨香港

    Y  銀川丨宜昌丨煙臺丨揚州丨鹽城丨營口丨岳陽丨運城丨榆林丨宜賓丨陽泉丨延安丨益陽丨永州丨玉林丨宜春丨陽江丨延邊丨玉溪丨伊犁丨云浮丨伊春丨雅安丨鷹潭丨玉樹丨義烏

    Z  鄭州丨珠海丨淄博丨中山丨棗莊丨張家口丨株洲丨鎮江丨周口丨湛江丨駐馬店丨肇慶丨自貢丨遵義丨漳州丨舟山丨張掖丨資陽丨張家界丨昭通丨中衛

    簡單聊聊數控相貫線切割機的功能 Talk about the function of CNC intersecting line cutting machine

    對于數控 For CNC相貫線切割機 Intersecting line cutting machine的使用范圍小編也做過介紹,想必您看后對數控 Small make up the scope of use has also done the introduction, presumably you see after the numerical control相貫線切割機 Intersecting line cutting machine設備有一個更深的了解和認識。如果想操作好一臺設備,首先要了解其設備能實現哪些功能,從而才能得心應手的去操作。 The device has a deeper understanding and awareness. If you want to operate a good device, you must first understand what the device can achieve, so that you can operate easily.
    1.設備利用自定心卡盤,夾持鋼管,其設備可完成各種規格鋼管的相貫線切割的要求。并且可根據用戶需求定制相關操作界面。 1. The equipment USES self-centering chucks to clamp steel pipes, and the equipment can meet the requirements of intersecting line cutting of various steel pipes. And can be customized according to user needs related operation interface.
    2.數控 2. CNC相貫線切割機 Intersecting line cutting machine設備床具利用控軸(縱向移動、前后移動、上下移動、工件回轉、割炬擺動、割炬調整)。 The machine bed USES the control shaft (longitudinal movement, forward and backward movement, up and down movement, workpiece rotation, cutting torch swinging, cutting torch adjustment).
    3.機床具有上位以及側位檢測功能、可檢測到切割位置處鋼管的變形(如:鋼管的外形圓度誤差)以及位置的偏差,系統根據所測量的數值,自動修正補償割炬的位置。 3. The machine has upper and lateral detection functions, which can detect the deformation of the steel tube at the cutting position (such as the roundness error of the steel tube) and the position deviation. The system automatically corrects and compensates the position of the cutting torch according to the measured values.
    4.具有單獨的割炬提升軸,用于在切割過程中對割炬的位置的進行及時的調整,保持割炬與工件的相對位置,提高切割質量。 4. It has a separate lifting shaft for cutting torch, which is used to timely adjust the position of cutting torch in the cutting process, keep the relative position between cutting torch and workpiece, and improve the cutting quality.
    5.機床有卡盤自動夾緊裝置,可實現對卡盤的機動夾緊,可有效的減輕工人的勞動強度。 5. The machine is equipped with automatic chuck clamping device, which can realize the automatic chuck clamping and effectively reduce the labor intensity of workers.
    6.機床可配置等離子或火焰切割,并具有三種坡口方式(定角、定點、定角4),可滿足工件的切割要求。 6. The machine can be configured with plasma or flame cutting, and has three groove methods (fixed Angle, fixed point, fixed Angle 4), which can meet the cutting requirements of the workpiece.
    7.機床具有托輥可對工件進行支承,托輥采用絲杠升降機,調整方便、可靠。 7. The machine tool is equipped with a supporting roller to support the workpiece. The supporting roller is raised by a lead screw, which is convenient and reliable for adjustment.
    8.機床采用觸摸屏的圖形化參數輸入,具有方便簡捷的特點。 8. The machine adopts the graphical parameter input of the touch screen, which is convenient and simple.
    了解了以上幾點,您是不是對數控 Understand the above points, you are not on CNC相貫線切割機 Intersecting line cutting machine有了更深的認識呢! Have deeper understanding!

    選擇適合的相貫線切割機的五大標準 Five criteria for selecing suitable intersecting line cutting machine

    選擇一個合適的相貫線切割機不但可以節約成本,而且還可以提高工作效率,那么該如何選擇合適的相貫線切割機廠家呢?下面跟隨小編來了解一下吧: Choosing a suitable intersecting line cutting machine can not only save cost, but also improve work efficiency, so how to choose a suitable intersecting line cutting machine manufacturer? Follow the small series below to understand it:

      1、選擇機型 1. Choose the model

      幫助用戶根據要切割的材質、厚度,以及切割效率和切割質量的要求,首先選擇和決定購買相貫線切割機的種類,一定要根據要切割的材質來決定。 Help users according to the material to be cut, thickness, as well as cutting efficiency and cutting quality requirements, first choose and decide to buy the intersecting line cutting machine type, must be decided according to the material to be cut.

      2、選擇配置 2. selec configuration

      再根據材質和產品的切割加工要求和工藝,特別是切割厚度和穿孔能力,選擇和決定相貫線切割機的具體配置,如等離子的功率,火焰槍配置,坡口切割類型和方式。   Then according to the material and product cutting processing requirements and technology, especially cutting thickness and piercing capacity, selec and decide the specific configuration of intersecting line cutting machine, such as plasma power, flame gun configuration, groove cutting type and way.
      3、考察機床質量和精度 3. Inspect the quality and accuracy of machine tools

      機型和配置選定后,介紹本企業切割機的制造質量和切割精度。相貫線切割機的機床結構,齒輪齒條質量,導軌和減速箱質量,機床安裝接地與屏蔽,以及切割精度的校驗,都關系到或決定了相貫線切割機的切割質量。 After selecting the machine type and configuration, the manufacturing quality and cutting precision of the cutting machine are introduced. The machine tool structure of intersecting line cutting machine, the quality of gear and rack, the quality of guide rail and reduction box, the machine tool installation grounding and shielding, as well as the calibration of cutting precision, all relate to or determine the cutting quality of intersecting line cutting machine.

      4、考察數控系統的穩定性 4. Investigate the stability of the numerical control system

      數控系統的穩定性至關重要,如果系統不穩定,比如夏天由于數控系統內部發熱,或是由于風扇或硬盤損壞,導致數控系統無法工作,企業需要停產一周時間等待更換或修復系統,這對企業和切割機廠家都是嚴重的損失。 The stability of the CNC system is very important, if the system is not stable, such as summer due to the internal heat of the CNC system, or due to fan or hard disk damage, the CNC system can not work, enterprises need to stop production for a week waiting for the replacement or repair of the system, which is a serious loss to enterprises and cutting machine manufacturers.

      5、切割效率與切割質量 5. Cutting efficiency and cutting quality

      相貫線切割機廠家的切割效率和切割質量是用戶最為關注的,不僅是用戶驗收相貫線切割機的重點,而且是用戶評價切割機好壞的標準。特別要指出的是在現在相貫線切割機硬件基本相同或類似情況下,相貫線切割機的切割效率和切割質量主要是有軟件決定的,不是切割機硬件。 The cutting efficiency and cutting quality of intersecting line cutting machine manufacturers are the most concerned by users, which is not only the key point for users to check and accept intersecting line cutting machine, but also the standard for users to evaluate the quality of the cutting machine. In particular, it is pointed out that the cutting efficiency and cutting quality of the intersecting line cutting machine are mainly determined by the software, not the cutting machine hardware, under the condition that the hardware of the intersecting line cutting machine is basically the same or similar.


    數控切割機 http://www.hycsk.com

    數控火焰切割機 http://www.hycsk.com

    數控等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com

    數控切割機價格 http://www.hycsk.com/category-7.html

    數控火焰切割機價格 http://www.hycsk.com/category-14.html

    數控等離子切割機價格 http://www.hycsk.com/category-15.html

    龍門式數控切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/category-7.html

    龍門式數控火焰切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-17.html

    龍門式數控等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-16.html 

    龍門式數控火焰等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-61.html

    便攜式數控切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/category-10.html

    便攜式數控火焰切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-34.html

    便攜式數控等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-38.html

    臺式數控等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-22.html

    臺式等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-44.html

    風管等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/category-5.html

    通風管道等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-43.html

    風管等離子切割機價格 http://www.hycsk.com/product-12.html

    精細等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-49.html

    數控精細等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-57.html

    小蜜蜂數控火焰切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-46.html

    小蜜蜂數控等離子切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-47.html

    相貫線切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-58.html

    便攜式相貫線切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/product-59.html

    數控相貫線切割機 http://www.hycsk.com/category-12.html

  • 企業介紹
主營:1500w光纖激光切割機、3000w光纖激光切割機,6000w光纖激光切割機、12000w光纖激光切割機、激光切管機,全自動激光切管機,管材激光切割機,管板一體激光切割機,全自動卷料激光校平生產線、全自動上下料風管激光切割機、高速數控精細…  更多>>
  • 聯系方式

光纖激光切割機-全自動激光切管機- 開卷校平切割下料卷料激光切割機生產線_武漢華宇誠數控科技有限公司







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